If anyone planned on seeing Twilight- do yourself a HUGE favor and don't. I bought tickets for the midnight showing for a birthday present for my friends Rosalinda. I wasn't expecting it to be good at all. I had very low expectations walking in and I was still disappointed. That should say something. I still had a good time because I was with friends and we laughed and talked before (and laughed during) the movie.
The thing that disappointed me most was how completely the filmmakers took advantage of their audience. They made a cheap film in a hurry and put little effort into making it even an okay film. If I were the filmmakers of this movie I would be embarrassed. I feel bad for the actors because they might get blame for what really is a badly written script. It could ruin their careers.
There were no redeeming qualities of the film either. It was bad all around. The editing, the cinematography, the music, the "special" effects, the dialog- EVERYTHING sucked. I especially despise whoever did the cinematography. The camera is always moving for no good reason. It is constantly doing rough, jerky 360's around the characters. It's as if the cinematographer was like, hey- I've always wanted to try this... can I do it as much as possible? The cinematography gave the film this surreal feeling that didn't work at all.
There is one sequence in the film that I thought was cool- the baseball scene. I also appreciated that rather than trying to make stupid dialog realistic, most the high school scenes were done in a way that said, "hey, here are a bunch of actors playing high school kids saying dumb things- isn't it funny?" It kind of made fun of itself almost, which was way better than if they tried to be serious about it.
I sincerely hope they DO NOT make another one. If they do, it better be a whole new team. I almost feel as if the project should be abandoned. Later, different filmmakers can try and revive it. Kind of like the two hulk movies. The first one was a bust and a couple years later they made a new one.
-that's all.
You Are A Very Beautiful: December 2015, Part 2
9 years ago